Friday, September 11, 2015

Rick Perry Drops Out Of Presidential Race

Former Texas Governor Rick Perry announced Friday he is suspending his struggling presidential campaign, becoming the first in the crowded GOP contest to bow out.

"When I gave my life to Christ, I said, 'Your ways are greater than my ways. Your will superior to mine.' Today I submit that his will remains a mystery, but some things have become clear," Perry said, speaking to the Eagle Forum conference in St. Louis. "That is why today I am suspending my campaign for the presidency of the United States.
"We have a tremendous field — the best in a generation — so I step aside knowing our party is in good hands, and as long as we listen to the grass roots, the cause of conservatism will be too," Perry continued. "I share this news with no regrets. It has been a privilege and an honor to travel this country, to speak with the American people about their hopes and dreams, to see a sense of optimism prevalent despite a season of cynical politics."

Since launching his second presidential bid in June, Perry struggled to move past the missteps of his disastrous 2012 bid. Once seen as the front-runner four years ago, Perry was sluggish on the campaign trail after back surgery, and his stumbles were captured in a single "Oops" moment when he blanked on the three government agencies he would eliminate.

Four years later, a more energetic Perry tried to reintroduce himself to voters. He said he had studied up on policy and was more prepared; he was more energetic and engaged when campaigning. And since stepping down as Texas' longest-serving governor, he now could focus full time on his campaign instead of juggling his official responsibilities.

But the reboot wasn't enough for Perry. He never gained traction in the polls, struggling to break through in a 17-candidate field with plenty of newer, flashier faces. Last month, in what seemed to be the final nail in his political coffin, Perry stopped paying his staffers as his fundraising dried up. While some stuck by him in a voluntary capacity, others bolted for rival campaigns.

Speaking Friday, Perry didn't exit without taking a few parting shots at GOP front-runner Donald Trump, with whom he has repeatedly clashed. Though he didn't mention the wealthy businessman by name, his target was clear.

"The answer to a president nominated for soaring rhetoric and no record is not to nominate a candidate whose rhetoric speaks louder than his record. It is not to replicate the Democrat model of selecting a president, falling for the cult of personality over durable life qualities," Perry said.

"It is time to elevate our debate from divisive name-calling, from sound bites without solutions, and start discussing how we will make the country better for all if a conservative is elected president," he continued later.

Perry is technically only suspending his presidential campaign, a distinction that could still leave the door open for him to change his mind and re-enter, though that's unlikely. Now, he can still continue raising money to retire any debt.

Perry's exit leaves only four candidates who will participate in CNN's second-tier debate on Wednesday — former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham and former New York Gov. George Pataki. Former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore did not poll high enough to make the cut.


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