Friday, May 8, 2015

Scandal Recap: Olivia Helps a Rape Survivor and We Learn Papa Pope's Next Target

So you missed last night's episode of Scandal and somehow you didn't set your DVR to record it, well you know i've got you covered. :-)
Here's a detailed recap of yesterday's episode - Molly, You in danger, girl.
The writers of Scandal haven't been afraid to get political this season, and Thursday night was no exception. 
Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington) took on a military rape case, and the episode crackled with her passion for justice. Plus, resident torture experts Huck (Guillermo Díaz) and Quinn (Katie Lowes) tried to get Russell (Brian White) to reveal the meaning of Foxtail, a code word the Gladiators knew only from his call with Rowan (Joe Morton). 
Read on to learn whether they succeeded and for more on the final-act twist that set the show for a sure-to-be-insane finale. 

While at a photo op with the Navy, Vice President Susan Ross (Artemis Pebdani) noticed bruise marks on a young female officer's wrist. So she essentially kidnapped the woman, bringing her to the White House, and demanding that Fitz (Tony Goldwyn) take action. But, because sexual assault in the armed forced is handled by the Defense Department, he insisted his hands were tied. With Olivia's help, the officer, Amy Martin, had to present her case to a military tribunal. Out of all the outlandish plot lines on Scandal, this one was among the scariest – and all too real. 

Liv played nurse to Jake (Scott Foley), who was recovering from his near-death experience in between her sheets – sadly, it was totally platonic. Across the hall, Huck and Quinn tortured Russell into a bloody mess, but he still wouldn't give Papa Pope up. Jake told Liv it was futile and finally pointed out that the way Olivia met Russell was almost exactly how he had entered her life – on a mission for Rowan. "A guy runs into you in a public place. It seems random, casual, he flirts a little ... he says all the right things ... it's all just enough to pique your interest," Jake explained. "We both came off the same assembly line. The only difference is, I'm in love with you." Swoon! 

The Navy assigned Amy a bumbling but sweet JAG lawyer, Virgil Punkett (Dan Byrd of Cougar Town and, most importantly, A Cinderella Story fame), who idolized her rapist, the decorated Admiral John Holly. Holly intimidated Amy and made sure she was stuck on their ship, and the Pentagon blocked Olivia's attempt to secure activity logs to verify his alibi. 

Mellie (Bellamy Young) was devastated to learn that to win the women's vote in her Senate election, she needed to attend a rally in Springfield, the very place that Little Jerry died last season. And Fitz's refusal to intervene in Amy's rape case only upset her more. Eventually, they devised a brilliant plan like the power couple they were always meant to be (though to be fair, Liv's late-night call definitely coaxed him to do the right thing). 

Jake asked Huck if he could have a go with Russell, and he ... untied him? Handed him a beer? Sure, he had Russell at gunpoint, but they traded B613 war stories like the best of pals and made each other giggle with their spot-on impressions of Rowan's deep, stilted voice. Oh, and they made fun of his taste in music ("Bitch please, why are we pretending it's 1973?") and refreshments ("The wine is just pretentious.") "Okay, you can tie me back up now," Russell said after their bro-bonding. "Bring in the crazy dude. I'm good to go"

Fitz gave Olivia the documents she needed to nail Holly, and she figured out that his alibi only checked out because another officer swiped his security ID. Security footage of Holly dragging Amy into his office leaked online, and the admiral confessed. In Springfield, Mellie overcame her grief and used Fitz's tepid response to the crisis to bolster her own stance, telling the cheering crowd that as a senator, she'd form an independent judicial body for sexual assault claims. Go, Mellie! 

Olivia and Abby (Darby Stanchfield) realized Virgil was an impostor, that he'd drugged Huck to free Russell. Meanwhile, Mellie was whisked away to meet a donor with deep pockets ... Papa Pope! As it turns out, Foxtail is her codename, meaning Rowan's scheming involves doing something evil to the first lady. 


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