Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Beyoncé Reveals Her Own Beyoncé Doll

Beyoncé has a knack for pushing the world into a sort-out-the-puzzle mode by posting pictures of things that clearly mean something while providing little explanation as to what that might be. Case in point: A few days ago when Bey posted a picture of what looks like the world's most cute Bratz doll with the without any context whatsoever. Continue reading to see her doll.

It already raises some questions. Like, is this for sale? Is it going to be for sale? Is this a custom-made doll for Blue, to remind her that Mommy is very, very famous? Lol! Has she already sent one to Princess North? Is this all just a big tease?
Who knows. But for what it's worth, you can currently purchase a Destiny's Child Beyoncé Barbie from Amazon for $123.49.
A photo posted by Beyoncé (@beyonce) on


1 comment:

  1. Business woman. Nice. Now over to Kim, Kim doll coming thru...
