Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Chris Brown Denied Entry into Canada: #TourWoes

Chris Brown now knows Canada clearly is not a “Fan of a Fan.” I'm starting to think Brown is using the same promoter Kandi Burruss and Todd from The Real Housewives of Atlanta were using to promote her A Mother’s Love play, Lol! There’s just one problem after the next. I wonder how many drinks the “Between the Sheets” concert ticketholders needed to numb their nerves upon receiving word the concert would be postponed as Brown was denied entrance into Canada, disappointing TeamBreezy in Canada. Brown’s publicist confirmed the bad news late Tuesday. However, there was no mention as to the reasons for the denial.

Brown probably notified the fans before the box office announced it as he took his thoughts about the Canadian government’s decision directly to social media in real time. Breezy immediately posted a message on Twitter: “Unfortunately I will not be able to perform in front of sold out crowds in Montreal & Toronto.”
He followed that up by tweeting: “The good people of the Canadian government wouldn’t allow me entry. I’ll be back this summer and will hopefully see all my Canadian fans!”
Of course the tweets were shortly removed after he put his more than 14 million followers on notice. Why do you think Chris Brown would be denied entrance to Canada? It had to be a plan by the Canadian government prior to him pulling up to the portal. Was there something about the tour bus that caused suspicion? Did they really just pull up to the portal entrance in a tour bus? Just how did this happen? Let’s first check out some of the reasons one would be deemed inadmissible, according to the Canadian government website:

Reasons cited for inadmissibility:
  • security reasons, including
  • espionage
  • subversion (attempts to overthrow a government, etc.)
  • violence or terrorism, or
  • membership in an organization involved in any of these
  • human or international rights violations, including
  • war crimes
  • crimes against humanity
  • being a senior official in a government engaged in gross human rights violations or subject to international sanctions
So what’s the problem? I’m confused. Clearly they are not bringing up old stuff or did the party promoter aka #Jankypromoter simply not do his homework on the laws the good folks in Canada will in fact enforce. Now that I think about it; hmm it was as recent as January 2015 when a judge revoked Brown’s probation after learning that he had violated orders by leaving Los Angeles County and was present at a nightclub when people were shot. OK, this violation may fall under one of the above categories. But who’s to blame here? Brown’s past or the #JankyPromoter? Maybe a little of both. Unfortunately, this situation wreaks of the smell of a #Jankypromoter who may have been warned and obviously didn’t proceed with caution.

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